non Dysnomia: - a ProPilkki 2 Guide





: To set up for autohosting, you have to make a file called 'autohost.ini' and place it in the 'Static'-folder. This file will consist of a list of commands that will be executed every time you start a network game.

: Here is an example on how a typical 'autohost.ini' -file can look.

/players 21
/wait 120
/results 2
/lures on
/autoban on
/hello Welcome to this autohost!

: You will find the 'Static'-folder by looking in the Windows application data location, depending on your OS it will be:
Windows XP/2000
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\ApplicationData\Procyon\ProPilkki2\
Windows Vista/Windows 7

: The application data location in Windows is by default a hidden folder, so you may have to change the settings for Windows Explorer to show hidden files and folders. If you have problem locating the 'Static'-folder you can start the game, go to 'Settings' and click the link 'Browse to settings folder…', then the 'Static'-folder will be opened in Windows Explorer.

: Note that the 'Static'-folder also holds the configuration files for the game, so if you want to backup your setting and your records you can copy the content of this folder.

: You can write the 'autohost.ini' file in any text editor, but Notepad will do just fine. Just be sure that you save the file with a .ini file extension.

: Let us have a quick look at what each line does in the autohost.ini-file above.

  • /players 21 - set maximum players to 21.
  • /wait 120 - set waiting time between competitions to 120 seconds.
  • /results 2 - display results with a interval of 2 minutes through the competition.
  • /lures on - give the players 6 extra randomized lures.
  • /autoban on - turn on cheat detection.
  • /hello Welcome to this autohost! - set a welcome message.


: When you have placed your autohost.ini-file in the 'Static'-folder you can create your network game and start the autohosting by ticking off the box "Run games automatically".

: You can choose lake, season, time of day, game duration and game type on the first competition. But in the next competition everything will be randomized, except game duration which will stay the same.

: This way you can run a autohost-server which will run through every lake and gametype in a randomized order, but if you want to run the lakes in a special order or a specific gametype you can make a playlist with some extra commands and an autoscript-file.

Making a lake playlist

: If you take a look in the 'Static'-folder, you will find a text-file named autoscript.txt. This is an example of a playlist with a short description in the comments.

# ProPilkki2 autoscript example file
# 1) After each competition, lines are performed until empty line is found
# 2) Lines starting with # are ignored.
# 3) /autoscript on N, jumps to line number N. Be careful not to make infinite loops!
# Example script for lake "playlist":
# Set autohost on and wait time between
# competitions 60 sec.
/autohost on
/wait 60
# 1. Lehmilampi
#    game type normal (1)
/lake lehmi
/game 1

# 2. Iso-Ruuhijärvi, 
#    Game type: biggest fish (5), 
/lake ruuhi
/game 5

# 3. Jormuanlahti, autumn(1), morning(1),30 min(3)
#    Game type: all species, quantity (4), Start place 2 (2)
/lake jormua,1,1,3
/game 4,2

#go back to start
/autoscript on

: You can insert comments in the script by starting the line with a #, which is very useful to make it more manageable to edit later.

: The commands will be read and executed line-by-line until you get to an empty line in the script. When the ongoing competition finishes the next lines will be read and executed until the next empty line. This will continue until you reach the end of the script.

: To make the playlist run in repeat-mode insert the command /autoscript on as the last line of the script, then the file restarts on the first line again.

: You can also use the /autoscript on command from the chat-interface to make jumps to a specific line in the script by adding the linenumber at the end of the command like this /autoscript on 20 (jumps to line 20 in the script).

: Note that to find the right linenumber you must also count the lines with comments and the empty lines in the script. I recommend that you use a text editor with line numbers instead of notepad to edit these playlists. I use Notepad++, which you can find here:

: You also have to add one more command at the end of your autohost.ini-file (/autoscript on), as you see below. Then the example playlist you see above will be executed every time you start hosting a competition. You can also remove the second line in the script (/wait 120), since it is already a /wait-command in the autoscript.txt-file that will override this.

/players 21
/wait 120
/results 2
/lures on
/autoban on
/hello Welcome to this autohost!
/autoscript on

: To make your own playlist, you can edit the autoscript.txt-file to your own liking by adding or editing more competitions into the script.

: So let us try to put in a new competition into the script, after the last competition but before the /autoscript on-line.

: There are mainly two commands you will need to use to make a new competition, the /lake-command and the /game-command.

: It is important that you use the /lake-command before the /game-command, as the game type and start place depends on which lake you have selected.

: The /lake-command set lake, season, time of day and game duration.

Command: /lake [lake name or part of it],[season 1-3],[time 1-3],[duration 1-3]
Example: /lake Vuon,3,2,3 (Vuontele, spring, afternoon,30 min)

	1 = autumn
	2 = winter
	3 = spring
	1 = morning
	2 = afternoon
	3 = evening
	4 = night
	1 = 10 min 
	2 = 15 min
	3 = 30 min
	4 = 1 h
	5 = 1.5 h
	6 = 2 h

: The /game-command set game type and start place.

Command: /game [game type 1-25],[start place]
Example: /game 18,2 (Biggest pike, Start place 2)

List of all game types:
 [1]	Normal
 [2]	Quantity
 [3]	All species
 [4]	All species, quantity
 [5]	Biggest fish
 [6]	Most species
 [7]	Only trout
 [8]	Only trout, quantity
 [9]	Only silver bream
[10]	Only silver bream, quantity
[11]	Only burbot
[12]	-
[13]	Only ruffe
[14]	Only ruffe, quantity
[15]	Only perch
[16]	Only perch, quantity
[17]	Only pike
[18]	Biggest pike
[19]	Only zander
[20]	Biggest zander
[21]	Carp family fish
[22]	Carp family fish, quantity
[23]	Biggest carp family fish
[24]	Three biggest fish
[25] 	Five biggest fish

: Then finish it off by inserting an empty line. Below I have inserted these examples in the script and added some lines of comments.

# ProPilkki2 autoscript example file
# 1) After each competition, lines are performed until empty line is found
# 2) Lines starting with # are ignored.
# 3) /autoscript on N, jumps to line number N. Be careful not to make infinite loops!
# Example script for lake "playlist":
# Set autohost on and wait time between
# competitions 60 sec.
/autohost on
/wait 60
# 1. Lehmilampi
#    game type normal (1)
/lake lehmi
/game 1

# 2. Iso-Ruuhijärvi, 
#    Game type: biggest fish (5), 
/lake ruuhi
/game 5

# 3. Jormuanlahti, autumn(1), morning(1),30 min(3)
#    Game type: all species, quantity (4), Start place 2 (2)
/lake jormua,1,1,3
/game 4,2

# 4. Vuontele, spring(3), afternoon(2),30 min(3)
#    Game type: Biggest pike (18), Start place 2 (2)
/lake Vuon,3,2,3
/game 18,2

#go back to start
/autoscript on

: Then save the script, and do a test run of your new playlist. To make a longer playlist you can keep adding competitions in the same way, or you can start from scratch if you like. Good luck!

: If you want to go back to the original file, you can delete the autoscript.txt-file from the 'Static'-folder, since it will be recreated next time you start the game. This also happens if you rename the autoscript.txt-file.

Available Commands

: All commands available can be found in the ReadMe_P2_releaseNotes.rtf-file installed with the game. Shortcut is available on your Windows start menu in the Propilkki2 program group. But below you can read an excerpt from this file.

: Excerpt from "ReadMe_P2_releaseNotes.rtf"
[Correction missing from original text is marked in red]
Commands for the game host:

  • /admin xx - Sets admin-password to xx. Password is removed with: /admin off. (check corresponding command for players).
  • /host xx - Sets host-password to xx. Password is removed with: /host off.
  • /wait n - Sets the wait time between competitions (autohost).
  • /password xx - Sets the game password to xx. Password is asked from players before entering the games. Password is removed with: /password off.
  • /spect [on/off] - Off = Players on ice cannot see the chat of spectators (waiting players). Host can still see it.
  • /script [file.txt] - Sends or performs 10 chat-messages or commands from text-file. File must be located in “static”-folder. Commands from a file “autohost.ini” are performed automatically every time when the host is started.
  • /lures [on/off/all] - Six extra lures are randomized for each competition. "All" = all lures available.
  • /exit - Shuts down the game after sending notification to all players. Command must be given two times in a row.

Commands for admins (and the host):

  • /hello - Sets welcome text. This is text is also shown in the public host list, if the game is listed there.
  • /timer N [text] - Sets a break-timer (N minutes) and a description text for it. It is shown as a count-down for all the players in waiting state. If the game is on, timer starts to run when the competition is finished.
  • /results N - In-game results to chat in every N minutes (top 10)
  • /mute N - Mutes player N out of general chat. Only private messages are allowed.
  • /unmute N - Removes muting of player N.
  • /kick - Lists the players and corresponding numbers.
  • /kick N - Kicks out player N and prevents connection for 5 minutes.
  • /kick N X - Kicks out player N and prevents connection for X minutes.
  • /unban - Allows again all IP-addresses banned with kick-command.
  • /admins - Shows all players with admin rights.
  • /autoban [on/off] - If speed cheating is detected, kicks out player and prevents connection (24h)
  • /players N - Sets the upper limit for the player amount in the network game
  • /in N - Selects player N into game
  • /out N - De-selects player N from the game (allowed only in lobby)

Autohost remote control and scripting commands (autoscript.txt):

  • /lake - Shows the next lake and length of a competition
  • /lake? - Shows the list of available lakes
  • /lake [lake name or part of it],[season 1-3],[time 1-4],[duration 1-3]
    Selects the next lake. Optional parameters:
    season: 1=autumn, 2=winter, 3=spring
    time: 1=morning, 2=afternoon, 3=evening, 4=night
    duration: 1=10 min, 2=15 min, 3=30 min, 4=1 h, 5=1.5 h, 6= 2 h
    Example: /lake ruu,3,1,3 (Iso-Ruuhijärvi, spring, morning, 30 min)
  • /game - Shows the next game type and start place
  • /game? - Shows the list of available game types and start places
  • /game [game type 1-25],[start place]
    Selects the next game type and start place
    Example: /game 5,1 (game type ”biggest fish” and start place 1)
  • /autoscript [on/off] [line number] Sets auto-script on/off and optional line number where auto-script will start running the file (default is the beginning of the file). When competition ends and auto-script is on, auto-script will continue reading autoscript.txt (in folder “static”) and execute lines until it finds the next empty line. This makes it possible to build playlists of lakes.
    Here is an example of autoscript.txt containing a playlist of three lakes: Iso-Ruuhijärvi (15min), Lehmilampi (biggest fish, 15min) and Jormuanlahti (Normal, start place 2, 30min).
    Content of a file static\autoscript.txt:
    /lake ruuhijärvi,3,1,2

    /lake lehmilampi,3,1,2
    /game 5

    /lake jormuanlahti,1,1,3
    /game 1,2

    /autoscript on
    # Previous line starts the script from the beginning

Commands for players:

  • /admin - Shows if the player has admin rights
  • /admin xx - Gets admin-rights with password xx.
  • /names - Displays player names and corresponding IDs (used in private messages). Shows also the waiting players with their waiting times.
  • /N message - Sends a private message to player N
  • /T message - Sends a team message. Only players of the own team see it.
  • /ver - Displays the game version of the host
  • /help - Shows the list of available commands

Note! All the chat commands and responses are in English. Selected game language has no effect on them.
