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Fish species

Available species

Arctic charr

: "Arctic char or Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) is a cold-water fish in the Salmonidae family, native to Arctic, sub-Arctic and alpine lakes and coastal waters. It breeds in fresh water, and populations can be either landlocked or anadromous, migrating to the sea. No other freshwater fish is found as far north."

: "The Arctic char is closely related to both salmon and lake trout, and has many characteristics of both. Individual fish can weigh 20 lb (9.1 kg) or more with record-sized fish having been taken by angling in northern Canada, where it is known as iqaluk or tariungmiutaq in Inuktitut. Generally, whole market-sized fish are between 2 and 5 lb (0.91 and 2.3 kg). The flesh colour can range from a bright red to a pale pink."
(Excerpts from:

Other languages/sources:
Latin: Salvelinus alpinus
English: Arctic char
Suomi: Nieriä
Svenska: Fjällröding
Norsk: Røye
Deutsch: Seesaibling
Français: Omble chevalier
Русский: Арктический голец
Polski: Golec zwyczajny


: "The Asp is a European freshwater fish of the Cyprinid family. It is protected by the Bern Convention of endangered species and habitats (Appendix III). Asps are also on the IUCN Red List of endangered species."

: "Normally asps are between 10 to 80 centimeters in length, with some reaching 120 centimeters, and weighing up to 12 kg. It inhabits lakes and lower reaches of rivers and estuaries. In spring, in April–June, the asps migrates from lakes to streams for spawning. Spawning is triggered by the raise in temperature and usually starts at 6°C. The eggs attach to rocks, gravel and water plants. After around two weeks they hatch and the fry drifts down stream to calmer waters."
(Excerpts from:

Other languages/sources:
Latin: Aspius aspius
English: Asp
Suomi: Toutain
Svenska: Asp
Norsk: Asp
Deutsch: Rapfen
Français: Aspe
Русский: Жерех
Polski: Boleń

Baltic herring

: "The small-sized herring in the inner parts of the Baltic Sea, which is also less fatty than the true Atlantic herring, is considered a distinct subspecies (Clupea harengus membras) ("Baltic herring"), despite the lack of a distinctive genome. The Baltic herring has a specific name in many local languages (Swedish strömming, Finnish silakka, Estonian räim, silk, Livonian siļk, Russian салака, Polish sałaka, Latvian reņģes, Lithuanian strimelė) and is popularly considered distinct from herring."
(Excerpts from:

Other languages/sources:
Latin: Clupea harengus membras
English: Baltic herring
Suomi: Silakka
Svenska: Strömming
Norsk: Østersjøsild
Deutsch: Ostseehering
Français: Hareng de la Baltique
Русский: салака
Polski: Sałaka


: "The bleak (Alburnus alburnus) is a small freshwater coarse fish of the cyprinid family."

: "The body of the bleak is elongated and flat. The head is pointed and the relatively small mouth is turned upwards. The anal fin is long and has 18 to 23 fin rays. The lateral line is complete. The bleak has a shiny silvery colour; and the fins are pointed and colourless. The maximum length is approximately 25 cm."
(Excerpts from:

Other languages/sources:
Latin: Alburnus alburnus
English: Bleak
Suomi: Salakka
Svenska: Löja
Norsk: Laue
Deutsch: Ukelei
Français: Ablette
Русский: Уклейка
Polski: Ukleja pospolita


: "The common bream, freshwater bream, bream, bronze bream or carp bream, Abramis brama, is a European species of freshwater fish in the family Cyprinidae."

: "The bream is usually 30 to 55 centimetres (12 to 22 in) long, though some specimens of 75 centimetres (30 in) have been recorded; it usually weighs 2 to 4 kilograms (4.4 to 8.8 lb)."

: "It has a laterally flattened and high-backed body and a slightly undershot mouth. It is a silvery grey colour, though older fish can be bronze-coloured especially in clear waters. The fins are greyish to black, but never reddish."
(Excerpts from:

Other languages/sources:
Latin: Abramis brama
English: Bream
Suomi: Lahna
Svenska: Braxen
Norsk: Brasme
Deutsch: Brachse
Français: Brème commune
Русский: Лещ
Polski: Leszcz

Brook trout

: "The brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis), sometimes called the eastern brook trout, is a species of fish in the salmon family of order Salmoniformes. In many parts of its range, it is known as the speckled trout or squaretail."

: "This species is green to brown in basic colour, with a distinctive marbled pattern (called vermiculations) of lighter shades across the flanks and back and extending at least to the dorsal fin, and often to the tail. A distinctive sprinkling of red dots, surrounded by blue haloes, occur along the flanks. The belly and lower fins are reddish in color, the latter with white leading edges. Often, the belly, particularly of the males, becomes very red or orange when the fish are spawning. The species reaches a maximum recorded length of 86 cm (33 in) and a maximum recorded weight of 6.6 kg (14.5 lb). It can reach at least seven years of age, with reports of 15 year old specimens observed in California habitats to which the species has been introduced. Typical lengths vary from 25 to 65 cm (10 to 26 in), and weights vary from 0.3 to 3.0 kg (0.7 to 7.0 lb)."
(Excerpts from:

Other languages/sources:
Latin: Salvelinus fontinalis
English: Brook trout
Suomi: Puronieriä
Svenska: Bäckröding
Norsk: Bekkerøye
Deutsch: Bachsaibling
Français: Omble de fontaine
Русский: Американская палия
Polski: Pstrąg źródlany


: "Myoxocephalus scorpius, known variously as the shorthorn sculpin, short-spined sea scorpion, bull-rout and the father-lasher, is a relatively small demersal fish of the Northern Atlantic and adjacent subarctic coasts. Adult fishes are commonly 15-30 cm in length, with a squat appearance. The fish has a large spiny head and a tapering body. It is a mottled grey-brown in colour but can be darker, including black as base coloring. It has a large mouth and spiny gill covers."

: "The English vernacular names of this fish include shorthorn sculpin (USA, Canada, Alaska), short-spined sea scorpion (UK, Ireland), bull-rout (UK), bullhead (UK), father-lasher (Isle of Man), goat sculpin, guffy, horny whore, pig-fish, scolping, scopin, scopy, scully, sculpin, granny fish, scummy and scumpy (all Newfoundland)."
(Excerpts from:

Other languages/sources:
Latin: Myoxocephalus scorpius
English: Bull-rout
Suomi: Isosimppu
Svenska: Rötsimpa
Norsk: Vanlig ulke
Deutsch: Seeskorpion
Français: Chaboisseau à épines courtes
Русский: Европейский керчак
Polski: Kur diabeł


: The burbot (Lota lota) or bubbot is the only gadiform (cod-like) freshwater fish. Also known as mariah, the lawyer, and (misleadingly) eelpout, the burbot is closely related to the marine common ling and the cusk. It is the only member of the genus Lota.

: Like a cross between the catfish and the eel, the burbot has a serpentine-like body, but is easily distinguished by a single barbel on the chin. The body is elongated and laterally compressed with a flattened head and single tube-like projection for each nostril. The mouth is wide, with both upper and lower jaws consisting of many small teeth. Burbot have two soft dorsal fins: the first being low and short, the second being much longer. The anal fin is low and almost as long as the dorsal fin. The caudal fin is rounded, the pectoral fins are fan-shaped, and pelvic fins are narrow with an elongate second fin ray. Having such small fins relative to body size indicate a benthos lifestyle with low swimming endurance, unable to withstand strong currents. The circular or cycloid scales are very small, making it difficult to accurately age, and thus even more challenging to manage. The burbot is commonly confused with the close, ocean dwelling relative : the lingcod.
(Excerpts from:

Other languages/sources:
Latin: Lota lota
English: Burbot
Suomi: Made
Svenska: Lake
Norsk: Lake
Deutsch: Quappe
Français: Lotte
Русский: Налим
Polski: Miętus pospolity


: "The chub (Squalius cephalus) is a European species of freshwater fish in the carp family Cyprinidae. It frequents both slow and moderate rivers as well as canals and still waters of various kinds. In North America this species is referred to as the European chub. Other names used for the species include round chub, fat chub, chevin, pollard."

: "Small chub are freely-biting fish which even inexperienced anglers find easy to catch. As they become larger, however, chub become more wary and are easily spooked by noise or visual disturbance. Consequently, large chub (in excess of 2 kg) are keenly sought by anglers who prefer to target specific fish."
(Excerpts from:

Other languages/sources:
Latin: Squalius cephalus
English: Chub
Suomi: Turpa
Svenska: Färna
Norsk: Stam
Deutsch: Döbel
Français: Chevesne
Русский: Голавль
Polski: Kleń

Crucian carp

: "The crucian carp (Carassius carassius) is a medium-sized member of the common carp family Cyprinidae. It occurs widely in northern European regions."

: "The crucian is a medium-sized cyprinid, typically 15 cm in body length, and rarely exceeds in weight over 1.5 kilograms (3.3 pounds). But a maximum total length of 64.0 cm is reported for a male, and the heaviest published weighed 3 kilograms."
(Excerpts from:

Other languages/sources:
Latin: Carassius carassius
English: Crucian carp
Suomi: Ruutana
Svenska: Ruda
Norsk: Karuss
Deutsch: Karausche
Français: Carpe à la lune
Русский: Золотой карась
Polski: Karaś


: "The common dace (Leuciscus leuciscus), also known as the dace or the Eurasian dace, is a fresh- or brackish-water fish belonging to the family Cyprinidae. It is an inhabitant of the rivers and streams of Europe north of the Alps as well as in Asia. It is most abundant in France and Germany, and has also spread to Ireland where it is used as a bait fish. It will grow to a maximum length of 15¾ inches (40 centimeters), a maximum weight of 2.2 lb (1 kg), and may live for up to 16 years."

: "The dace is a lively, active fish, of gregarious habits, and exceedingly prolific, depositing its pale yellow eggs in the spring at the roots of aquatic plants or in the gravelly beds of the shallow, flowing streams it frequents. It poses a risk as a potential pest in some areas. In appearance it closely resembles the Roach in both size and shape, with the head and back of a dusky blue color and the sides of a shining silvery aspect, with numerous dark lines running along the course of the scales. The ventral and anal fins are white, tinged with pale red,; and the dorsal, pectoral and caudal tipped with black. The dace feeds on worms, insects, insect-larvae, snails, and also rarely on vegetable matter."
(Excerpts from:

Other languages/sources:
Latin: Leuciscus leuciscus
English: Dace
Suomi: Seipi
Svenska: Stäm
Norsk: Gullbust
Deutsch: Hasel
Français: Vandoise
Русский: Елец
Polski: Jelec europejski


: "The grayling (Thymallus thymallus) is a species of freshwater fish in the salmon family (family Salmonidae) of order Salmoniformes. It is the type species of its genus. Native to the Palearctic ecozone, the grayling is widespread throughout northern Europe, from the United Kingdom and France to the Ural Mountains in Russia. While it was introduced to Morocco in 1948, it does not appear to have become established there."

: "The grayling grows to a maximum recorded length of 60 cm (24 in) and a maximum recorded weight of 6.7 kg (15 lb). Of typical Thymallus appearance, the grayling proper is distinguished from the similar Arctic grayling (T. arcticus arcticus) by the presence of 5–8 dorsal and 3–4 anal spines, which are absent in the other species; T. thymallus also has a smaller number of soft rays in these fins. Individuals of the species have been recorded as reaching an age of 14 years."
(Excerpts from:

Other languages/sources:
Latin: Thymallus thymallus
English: Grayling
Suomi: Harjus
Svenska: Harr
Norsk: Harr
Deutsch: Äsche
Français: Ombre
Русский: Европейский хариус
Polski: Lipień

: "The ide (Leuciscus idus), or orfe is a freshwater fish of the family Cyprinidae found across northern Europe and Asia. It occurs in larger rivers, ponds, and lakes, typically in schools. The name is from Swedish id, originally referring to its bright color (compare the German dialect word aitel 'a kind of bright fish' and Old High German eit 'funeral pyre, fire')."

: "The body has a typical cyprinid shape and generally silvery appearance, while the fins are a pinkish red in varying degrees. The tail and backfin can be greyish. In older and bigger fish the body color can turn to yellow/bronze."
(Excerpts from:

Other languages/sources:
Latin: Leuciscus idus
English: Ide
Suomi: Säyne
Svenska: Id
Norsk: Vederbuk
Deutsch: Aland
Français: Ide mélanote
Русский: Язь
Polski: Jaź

Lake trout

: "Lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) is a freshwater char living mainly in lakes in northern North America. Other names for it include mackinaw, lake char (or charr), touladi, togue, and grey trout. In Lake Superior, it can also be variously known as siscowet, paperbelly and lean. The lake trout is prized both as a game fish and as a food fish."

: "Lake trout are the largest of the charrs; the record weighed almost 46.3 kilograms (102 lb) (netted), and 15– to 40-pound fish are not uncommon."
(Excerpts from:

Other languages/sources:
Latin: Salvelinus namaycush
English: Lake trout
Suomi: Harmaanieriä
Svenska: Kanadaröding
Norsk: Canadarøye
Deutsch: Amerikanischer Seesaibling
Français: Truite grise
Polski: Palia jeziorowa


: "Perca fluviatilis, commonly known as the European perch, perch, redfin perch or English perch, is a predatory species of perch found in Europe and Asia. The species is a popular quarry for anglers, and has been widely introduced beyond its native area, into Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. They have caused substantial damage to native fish populations in Australia."

: "European perch can vary greatly in size between bodies of water. They can live for up to 22 years, and older perch are often much larger than average; the maximum recorded length is 60 cm (24 in). The British record is 2.8 kg (6 lb 2 oz), but they grow larger in mainland Europe than in Britain. As at Aug 2012, the official all tackle world record, as recognised by the International Game Fish Association stands at 2.9 kg (6 lb 6 oz) for a Finnish fish. Due to the low salinity levels of the Baltic, especially around the Finnish archipelago and Bothnian Sea, many freshwater fish live and thrive there. Perch especially are in abundance and grow to a considerable size due to the diet of Baltic herring."
(Excerpts from:

Other languages/sources:
Latin: Perca fluviatilis
English: Perch
Suomi: Ahven
Svenska: Abborre
Norsk: Abbor
Deutsch: Flussbarsch
Français: Perche commune
Русский: Речной окунь
Polski: Okoń


: "The northern pike (Esox lucius, known simply as a pike in Britain, Ireland, most parts of the USA, or as jackfish in Canada or simply "Northern" in the Upper Midwest of the USA), is a species of carnivorous fish of the genus Esox (the pikes). They are typical of brackish and freshwaters of the northern hemisphere (i.e. holarctic in distribution)."

: "Northern pike are most often olive green, shading from yellow to white along the belly. The flank is marked with short, light bar-like spots and there are a few to many dark spots on the fins. Sometimes the fins are reddish. Younger pike have yellow stripes along a green body, later the stripes divide into light spots and the body turns from green to olive green. The lower half of the gill cover lacks scales and they have large sensory pores on their head and on the underside of the lower jaw which are part of the lateral line system. Unlike the similar-looking and closely related muskellunge, the northern pike has light markings on a dark body background and fewer than six sensory pores on the underside of each side of the lower jaw."
(Excerpts from:

Other languages/sources:
Latin: Esox lucius
English: Pike
Suomi: Hauki
Svenska: Gädda
Norsk: Gjedde
Deutsch: Hecht
Français: Brochet
Русский: Щука
Polski: Szczupak pospolity

Rainbow trout

: "The rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) is a species of salmonid native to tributaries of the Pacific Ocean in Asia and North America. The steelhead is a sea-run rainbow trout (anadromous) usually returning to freshwater to spawn after two to three years at sea; rainbow trout and steelhead trout are the same species. The fish are often called salmon trout.[1] Several other fish in the salmonid family are called trout; some are anadromous like salmon, whereas others are resident in freshwater only."

: "The species has been introduced for food or sport to at least 45 countries, and every continent except Antarctica. In some locations, such as Southern Europe, Australia and South America, they have negatively impacted upland native fish species, either by eating them, outcompeting them, transmitting contagious diseases, (such as whirling disease transmitted by Tubifex) or hybridization with closely related species and subspecies that are native to western North America (see Salmo marmoratus and Salmothymus obtusirostris salonitana)."
(Excerpts from:

Other languages/sources:
Latin: Oncorhynchus mykiss
English: Rainbow trout
Suomi: Kirjolohi
Svenska: Regnbågsöring
Norsk: Regnbueørret
Deutsch: Regenbogenforelle
Français: Truite arc-en-ciel
Русский: Микижа
Polski: Pstrąg tęczowy


: "The roach (Rutilus rutilus), also known as the common roach, is a fresh- and brackishwater fish of the Cyprinidae family, native to most of Europe and western Asia. Note that name "roach" is not unique, but fishes called roach can be any species of the genera Rutilus and Hesperoleucus depending on locality. The plural of the term is also roach."

: "The roach is typically a small fish, often reaching no more than about 35 cm (14 inches). Maximum length is 45 cm. The body has a blueish silvery colour and becomes white at the belly. The fins are red. The number of scales along the lateral line is 39-48. The dorsal and anal fin has 12-14 rays. Young specimens have a slender build, older specimens get a higher and broader body shape. The roach can often be recognized by the big red spot in the iris above and beside the pupil. Colours of the eye and fins can be very pale however in some environments."
(Excerpts from:

Other languages/sources:
Latin: Rutilus rutilus
English: Roach
Suomi: Särki
Svenska: Mört
Norsk: Mort
Deutsch: Rotauge
Français: Gardon
Русский: Обыкновенная плотва
Polski: Płoć


: "The common rudd Scardinius erythropthalmus is a bentho-pelagic freshwater fish, widely spread in Europe and middle Asia, around the basins of the North, Baltic, Black, Caspian and Aral seas."

: "Morphologically, this species is very similar to the roach (Rutilus rutilus), with which it can be easily confused. It can be identified by the yellow eye colour. The eye of the roach has a big red spot above the pupil, that can be more or less conspicuous. The rudd has an upturned mouth allowing it to feed easily at the top of the water. The placement of the dorsal fin is more to the rear which is even visible in very young fish. There are normally only one or two scales between the tip of the pelvic fins and the anal fins, while on the roach there are five. Also the skin of the rudd is yellowish green, while the roach is bluish on the flanks. Also the upturned mouth is visible even in young fish. Furthermore the rudd's number of soft rays in the dorsal fin (8–9 compared to 10–12). There can be confusion with the ide also, which has smaller scales however."
(Excerpts from:

Other languages/sources:
Latin: Scardinius erythropthalmus
English: Rudd
Suomi: Sorva
Svenska: Sarv
Norsk: Sørv
Deutsch: Rotfeder
Français: Rotengle
Русский: Краснопёрка
Polski: Wzdręga


: "The Eurasian ruffe (also simply ruffe or pope), Gymnocephalus cernua, is a freshwater fish found in temperate regions of Europe and northern Asia. It has been introduced into the Great Lakes of North America, reportedly with unfortunate results. Its common names are ambiguous – "ruffe" may refer to any local member of its genus Gymnocephalus, which as a whole is natively endemic to Eurasia."

: "The ruffe's colors and markings are similar to those of the walleye, an olive-brown to golden-brown color on its back, paler on the sides with yellowish white undersides. The ruffe is usually 4–6 inches (10–15 cm) long and will never exceed 10 in (25 cm), but is a very aggressive fish for its size. The ruffe also has a large, spiny dorsal fin likely distasteful to its predators. It also has two fins on top, the front fin has hard and sharp spines, the back fin has soft spines called rays. The most obvious features to recognize a ruffe are the ruffe's large, continuous dorsal fin and its slightly downturned mouth."
(Excerpts from:

Other languages/sources:
Latin: Gymnocephalus cernuus
English: Ruffe
Suomi: Kiiski
Svenska: Gärs
Norsk: Hork
Deutsch: Kaulbarsch
Français: Grémille
Русский: Обыкновенный ёрш
Polski: Jazgarz


: "Pelecus cultratus, known variously as the sichel, the ziege, the sabre carp or sabrefish, is a species of cyprinid fish from an Eastern Europe and adjacent Asian regions. It is the only species of its genus. This species inhabits lower reaches of rivers and brackish waters of eastern Baltic, Black, Caspian and Aral Sea basins."

: "This fish is typically 25 cm long, but may grow up to 60 cm."
(Excerpts from:

Other languages/sources:
Latin: Pelecus cultratus
English: Sabrefish
Suomi: Miekkasärki
Svenska: Skärkniv
Norsk: Sabelkarpe
Deutsch: Ziege
Français: Pélèque rasoir
Русский: Чехонь
Polski: Ciosa


: "The Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, is a fish in the family Salmonidae, which is found in the northern Atlantic Ocean and in rivers that flow into the north Atlantic and, due to human introduction, the north Pacific."

: "It is also commercially known as bay salmon, black salmon, caplin-scull salmon, fiddler, grilse, grilt, kelt, landlocked salmon, ouananiche, outside salmon, parr, Sebago salmon, silver salmon, slink, smolt, spring salmon, or winnish."
(Excerpts from:

Other languages/sources:
Latin: Salmo salar
English: Atlantic salmon
Suomi: Lohi
Svenska: Atlantlax
Norsk: Atlanterhavslaks
Deutsch: Atlantischer Lachs
Français: Saumon atlantique
Русский: Сёмга
Polski: Łosoś szlachetny

Silver bream

: "Blicca bjoerkna, known as the white bream or the silver bream, is a European species of freshwater fish in the Cyprinidae family."

: "The maximum weight a silver bream can reach is determined by habitat of course, but give the optimum conditions for fast, healthy growth, they have an absolute maximum upper limit approaching, or possibly just exceeding, 1.6 kilos, or 3.5 pounds. Fish that do not live in such rich environments may attain a weight of around 0.9 kilos, or 2 pounds, but most silver bream never exceed a weight of 0.45 kilos, or 1 pound, and in small ponds, may never achieve even .3 kilos, or 0.8 pounds."
(Excerpts from:

Other languages/sources:
Latin: Abramis bjoerkna
English: Silver bream
Suomi: Pasuri
Svenska: Björkna
Norsk: Flire
Deutsch: Güster
Français: Brème bordelière
Русский: Густера
Polski: Krąp


: "The Smelt or European smelt (Osmerus eperlanus) is a species of fish in the Osmeridae family."

: "The body of the European smelt is typically 15 to 18 cm long, slender and slightly flattened on either side. Larger fish may reach 30 cm in length. Smelts have a slightly translucent body. The back and sides are grey-green to pink in colour, the flanks bright silver. The tailfin has a dark border. The smelt lives for up to six years. One characteristic is its intense smell, reminiscent of fresh cucumbers."
(Excerpts from:

Other languages/sources:
Latin: Osmerus eperlanus
English: Smelt
Suomi: Kuore
Svenska: Nors
Norsk: Krøkle
Deutsch: Stint
Français: Éperlan d’Europe
Русский: Европейская корюшка
Polski: Stynka


: "The tench or doctor fish (Tinca tinca) is a freshwater and brackish water fish of the cyprinid (commonly called 'carp') family found throughout Eurasia from Western Europe including the British Isles east into Asia as far as the Ob and Yenisei Rivers. It is also found in Lake Baikal. It normally inhabits slow-moving freshwater habitats, particularly lakes and lowland rivers."

: "Tench have a stocky, carp-like shape, olive-green skin, darker above and almost golden below. The caudal fin is square in shape. The other fins are distinctly rounded in shape. The mouth is rather narrow and provided at each corner with a very small barbel. Maximum size is 70 cm, though most specimens are very much smaller. The eyes are small and red-orange in colour."
(Excerpts from:

Other languages/sources:
Latin: Tinca tinca
English: Tench
Suomi: Suutari
Svenska: Sutare
Norsk: Suter
Deutsch: Schleie
Français: Tanche
Русский: Линь
Polski: Lin

Three-spined stickleback

: "The three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus, is a fish native to most inland coastal waters north of 30°N. It has long been a subject of scientific study for many reasons. It shows great morphological variation throughout its range, ideal for questions about evolution and population genetics. Most populations are anadromous (they live in seawater but breed in freshwater or brackish water) and very tolerant of changes in salinity, a subject of interest to physiologists."

: "The largest of all sticklebacks, it is usually 5 cm (2 in) long (but may reach, exceptionally, twice that length). The body is laterally compressed. The base of the tail is slender. The caudal fin has 12 rays. The dorsal fin has 10-14 rays; in front of it are the three spines that give the fish its name (though some individuals may have only 2, or 4). The third spine (the one closest to the dorsal fin) is much shorter than the other two. The back of each spine is joined to the body by a thin membrane. The anal fin has 8-11 rays and is preceded by a short spine. The pelvic fins consist of just a spine and one ray. All spines can be locked in an erect position, making the fish extremely hard to swallow by a predator. The pectoral fins are large, with 10 rays. The body bears no scales but is protected by bony plates on the back, flanks, and belly."
(Excerpts from:

Other languages/sources:
Latin: Gasterosteus aculeatus
English: Three-spined stickleback
Suomi: Kolmipiikki
Svenska: Storspigg
Norsk: Trepigget stingsild
Deutsch: Dreistachliger Stichling
Français: Épinoche à trois épines
Русский: Трёхиглая колюшка
Polski: Ciernik


: "The brown trout (Salmo trutta) is an originally European species of salmonid fish. It includes both purely freshwater populations, referred to Salmo trutta morpha fario and S. trutta morpha lacustris, and anadromous forms known as the sea trout, S. trutta morpha trutta. The latter migrates to the oceans for much of its life and returns to freshwater only to spawn. Sea trout in the UK and Ireland have many regional names, including sewin (Wales), finnock (Scotland), peal (West Country), mort (North West England) and white trout (Ireland)."

: "The brown trout is normally considered to be native to Europe, but the natural distribution of the migratory forms may be, in fact, circumpolar. Landlocked populations also occur far from the oceans, for example in Greece and Estonia."
(Excerpts from:

Other languages/sources:
Latin: Salmo trutta
English: Brown trout
Suomi: Taimen
Svenska: Öring
Norsk: Ørret
Deutsch: Forelle
Français: Truite commune
Русский: Кумжа
Polski: Salmo trutta


: "Coregonus albula, known as the vendace or as the European cisco, is a species of freshwater whitefish in the family Salmonidae. It is found in lakes in northern Europe, especially Finland, Sweden, Russia and Estonia, and in some lakes of the United Kingdom, northern Germany and Poland. It is found also in diluted brackish water in the Gulf of Finland and the Gulf of Bothnia of the Baltic Sea."

: "Vendace mainly feed on zooplankton, such as small crustaceans and their larvae. The fish live in schools made up of large groups of individuals. They lay their eggs on pebbly or sandy ground. The length of an adult is normally about 25 centimetres (9.8 in). The maximum age reached by this fish is about ten years."
(Excerpts from:

Other languages/sources:
Latin: Coregonus albula
English: Vendace
Suomi: Muikku
Svenska: Siklöja
Norsk: Lagesild
Deutsch: Kleine Maräne
Français: Corégone blanc
Русский: Европейская ряпушка
Polski: Sielawa


: "The viviparous eelpout (Zoarces viviparus), also known as the, viviparous blenny and European eelpout is an eelpout in the family Zoarcidae. It is notable for giving birth to live larvae (hence the description "mother of eels"). It is a common soup ingredient in Mediterranean countries. The bones are of greenish colour, due to a harmless pigment. Their skin is slimy and the color is variable."

: "Viviparous eelpouts grow to a maximum length of 52 centimetres (20 in) and a maximum weight of 510 grams (18 oz). They typically live at water depths up to 40 metres (130 ft). The fish live to a maximum age of 10 years."
(Excerpts from:

Other languages/sources:
Latin: Zoarces viviparus
English: Viviparous blenny
Suomi: Kivinilkka
Svenska: Tånglake
Norsk: Ålekvabbe
Deutsch: Aalmutter
Français: Loquette d’Europe
Русский: Бельдюга
Polski: Węgorzyca


: "In the broad sense, Coregonus lavaretus, referred to as the common whitefish or European whitefish, is widespread from central and northwest Europe to Siberia. Often called the C. lavaretus complex and considered as a superspecies, it encompasses many of the whitefish populations suggested by others to be locally restricted species (such as the British powan and the gwyniad or the Alpine gravenche, as well as distinct intralacustrine morphs and populations characterized by different feeding habits, gill raker numbers, growth patterns and migration behaviour."

: "Genetic studies suggest that the whitefish diversity within this complex is mostly of post-glacial origin. The resource polymorphism represented by the feeding morphs has evolved repeatedly and independently within individual lakes, and similar morphs in different lakes are not related to each other."
(Excerpts from:

Other languages/sources:
Latin: Coregonus lavaretus
English: Whitefish
Suomi: Siika
Svenska: Sik
Norsk: Sik
Deutsch: Große Maräne
Français: Corégone lavaret
Русский: Обыкновенный сиг
Polski: Sieja pospolita


: "Zander (Sander lucioperca, syn. Stizostedion lucioperca) is a species of fish from freshwater and brackish habitats in western Eurasia. It is closely related to perch. Zander are often called pike-perch as they resemble the pike with their elongated body and head, and the perch with their spiny dorsal fin. Zander are not, as is commonly believed, a pike and perch hybrid. In Europe, a second species (Sander volgensis) is limited to rivers in southern Russia and the basin of the Danube."

: "The zander is a common and popular game fish in Europe. It is often eaten, and it may reach 20 kg (44 lb) of weight, although typical catches are considerably smaller."
(Excerpts from:

Other languages/sources:
Latin: Sander lucioperca
English: Pike-perch
Suomi: Kuha
Svenska: Gös
Norsk: Gjørs
Deutsch: Zander
Français: Sandre
Русский: Обыкновенный судак
Polski: Sandacz


: "Ballerus ballerus also known as zope or blue bream, is a fish native to Eurasia. Cyprinus ballerus feeds mostly on larger zooplankton. In Sweden it is seen in lake Vänern, Hjälmaren, Mälaren and adjoining waters, plus Helgeån waterbody. It can reach sizes for up to about 45 cm, and 0.8 kg."
(Excerpts from:

Other languages/sources:
Latin: Ballerus ballerus
English: Blue bream
Suomi: Sulkava
Svenska: Faren
Norsk: Brasmeflire
Deutsch: Zope
Français: Brème bleue
Русский: Синец
Polski: Rozpiór
